Missing You Poems

Rahul Rathish
By -
10382468335_0ff4b0441c_bThoughts of missing someone can at times be hurting. The times of fun and togetherness can always be recollected by missing you love poems.

One may be far off but memories always bring people together. Missing you love poems express the deepest of sentiments to show the feelings of missing each other.

One may be far away in reality but very close in thoughts and heart and missing you love poems express these inner most feelings. Missing you love poems are a unique way of expressing love for someone you are truly missing. Missing someone you truly love can at times be hurting.

Poems about missing someone you love express the deepest feelings of missing someone. The times of fun, laughter, joy and togetherness can be got back with these poems about missing someone you love.The distance does not matter, one may be far off but memories of togetherness always bring back people together. One may be far off in reality but so very close in thoughts.

As someone righty said, "Your absence should be so long that someone misses you..Not that the other person learns to live without you!!" .Simply express your feelings with any of our missing you poems and let your love know that you are missing them.So when you feel lonely and feel that you are missing someone you truly love open up your heart and express your feelings with these love poems about missing someone you love.Browse our collection of missing you poems and start dedicating these to your loved ones and let him/her know how much you miss him/her.


The day is gone, and all its sweets are gone! by John Keats 

The day is gone, and all its sweets are gone!
Sweet voice, sweet lips, soft hand, and softer breast,
Warm breath, light whisper, tender semi-tone,
Bright eyes, accomplish’d shape, and lang’rous waist!
Faded the flower and all its budded charms,
Faded the sight of beauty from my eyes,
Faded the shape of beauty from my arms,
Faded the voice, warmth, whiteness, paradise –
Vanish’d unseasonably at shut of eve,
When the dusk holiday – or holinight
Of fragrant-curtain’d love begins to weave
The woof of darkness thick, for hid delight,
But, as I’ve read love’s missal through to-day,
He’ll let me sleep, seeing I fast and pray.
At Last by Elizabeth Akers Allen 

At last, when all the summer shine 
That warmed life's early hours is past, 
Your loving fingers seek for mine 
And hold them close-at last-at last! 
Not oft the robin comes to build
Its nest upon the leafless bough 
By autumn robbed, by winter chilled,
But you, dear heart, you love me now. 

Though there are shadows on my brow 
And furrows on my cheek, in truth, 
The marks where Time's remorseless plough
Broke up the blooming sward of Youth,
Though fled is every girlish grace 
Might win or hold a lover's vow, 
Despite my sad and faded face, 
And darkened heart, you love me now! 

I count no more my wasted tears; 
They left no echo of their fall; 
I mourn no more my lonesome years; 
This blessed hour atones for all. 
I fear not all that Time or Fate 
May bring to burden heart or brow,
Strong in the love that came so late, 
Our souls shall keep it always now! 
The Lover's Litany by Rudyard Kipling 

Eyes of grey -- a sodden quay,
Driving rain and falling tears,
As the steamer wears to sea
In a parting storm of cheers.
Sing, for Faith and Hope are high --
None so true as you and I --
Sing the Lovers' Litany:
"Love like ours can never die!"

Eyes of black -- a throbbing keel,
Milky foam to left and right;
Whispered converse near the wheel
In the brilliant tropic night.
Cross that rules the Southern Sky!
Stars that sweep and wheel and fly,
Hear the Lovers' Litany:
Love like ours can never die!"

Eyes of brown -- a dusy plain
Split and parched with heat of June,
Flying hoof and tightened rein,
Hearts that beat the old, old tune.
Side by side the horses fly,
Frame we now the old reply
Of the Lovers' Litany:
"Love like ours can never die!"

Eyes of blue -- the Simla Hills
Silvered with the moonlight hoar;
Pleading of the waltz that thrills,
Dies and echoes round Benmore.
"Mabel," "Officers," "Good-bye,"
Glamour, wine, and witchery --
On my soul's sincerity,
"Love like ours can never die!"

Maidens of your charity,
Pity my most luckless state.
Four times Cipid's debtor I --
Bankrupt in quadruplicate.
Yet, despite this evil case,
And a maiden showed me grace,
Four-and-forty times would I
Sing the Lovers' Litany:
"Love like ours can never die!"

Sonnet 145: Those lips that Love's own hand did make by William Shakespeare 

Those lips that Love's own hand did make
Breathed forth the sound that said "I hate"
To me that languished for her sake;
But when she saw my woeful state,
Straight in her heart did mercy come,
Chiding that tongue that ever sweet
Was used in giving gentle doom,
And taught it thus anew to greet:
"I hate" she altered with an end,
That followed it as gentle day
Doth follow night, who like a fiend
From heaven to hell is flown away.
"I hate" from hate away she threw,
And saved my life, saying "not you." 