Top Ten Ways To Mend Your Broken Relationship

Rahul Rathish
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Relationship breakup is the most traumatic but also commonly experienced by most people around the world. It seems very difficult to overcome the pain, anger, frustration of breakup. Mending a broken relationship is a challenging task but genuine efforts made in this direction can yield sweet fruits.
Although success is not always guaranteed when it concerns getting back the lost love after a painful break up but one can come out of this emotional turmoil and make attempts to revive a broken relationship in the following ways:

  1. Shake off your Pride and Ego
    If both the partners are ready to walk the extra mile in order to mend up the cluttered relationship then they need to shake off their ego and pride. Just forget the past and work out with an attitude of “Try till I Die “and you will definitely come out with flying colors.
  2. Fix up the communication gap
    It has been observed that communication gap is the biggest problem. Try and listen to each other and sort out your issues rather than just keeping silent about your feelings. When one of them talks, the other has to be a patient listener and at the same time be responsive. Both of them need to speak their heart out to understand each other’s point of view and this will help them in coming closer and in developing good understanding needed to build a future together. Avoid accusing each other but talk about issues with a constructive approach.


  1. Misunderstandings’/issues to be sorted out
    The root cause of breakups has to be looked into and accordingly solutions can be worked out. This will help both the girl and the boy to rectify their behavior in areas where they think they had gone wrong in the past.
  2. Be ready to forgive
    Forgive your partner, and if the mistake happened from your end then it is best not to hesitate to apologize for your errrors. The most effective words that can heal all the wounds and which we sometimes forget to say are “I LOVE YOU “. Once spoken, these three words can create a magical effect.
  3. Promises to be made
    Make a promise to your partner as well as to your own self that mistakes that led to the fallout is not be repeated again in the future if you wish to live happily with your partner.
  4. Compromising attitude
    We definitely cannot change our situations and sometimes neither can we change our partners but what we can do best is to mould our self as per the situation. Try to give more to the relationship than taking from it and this will create a good impression.
  5. Be committed
    Be honest to your partner and do not cheat. Be there for her whenever he/she needs your shoulders to cry. One has to extend physical and emotional support to the other person and show care to fix a broken relationship. This will help build trust and develop stronger bonding.
  6. Appreciate the good things and be thankful
    No one is perfect but each individual has its own good qualities. You need to appreciate each other and express gratitude if your partner does something good for you. This will rebuild a healthy relationship.
  7. Be ready for a new start
    Forgetting the past is not that easy but you will need to get rid of the demons of the past to make a new beginning. Extend cooperation and support and it will really work out.
  8. Go for professional help
    If nothing works out between you and your partner but you are still eager on fixing up things then you can consider taking the help of experts. Marriage consultants will act as catalyst to keep your relationship intact and to revive warmth and passion in it again.

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