5 Wedding Secrets You Should Never Share With Friends

Rahul Rathish
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Friends are perhaps the biggest blessing that we have in our lives, for the things that we cannot share with anyone are the things that our friends make us feel comfortable talking about and admitting. Through our darkest phases they stand by us and we know that they would be there by our side no matter what. The line however comes a bit late in life, once one is married, suddenly the relationship expands from a singular to a plural. Though that doesn't change our friendships still there are few thing that we must learn to make a private affair, which is just between our spouse and ourselves. To help you avoid any familial tiffs and strife we have for you "5 Wedding Secrets You Should Never Share with Friends". Few things that should never be talked about and how they will help you avoid any sort of marital confrontations in life.

  1. The Money Matters: Once cardinal rule should be never to discuss finances with your friends, especially the fact about who pays for who. The fact is not that someone would go and spill the secrets, but that finances tread that very fine line between love and ego, so a wrong move could really backfire in your face and may leave your spouse feeling hurt and angry. So let the financial matters be the talk of the bedroom only and not that makes its way into the living room chats.

  2. five-wedding-secrets-you-should-never-tell-your-friends

  1. The in-Laws Affair: Everyone has a different experience with their in-Laws it could be a positive one or a negative one, though one might feel the need to brag or vent, it is best left untouched upon. If the topic of in-Laws does arise do not try to circumvent to hard around it, that only makes it worse, you can always have a very neutral perspective and let things be.

  2. The Annoying Traits:Every spouse has those tiny traits that make the other half go insane. It could be something as tiny as snoring to something that may be an issue like temper. Instead of sharing it with your friends and complaining the better way to go around it would be to try talking it out and finding solutions instead of sharing it with friends. The point being that if your spouse ever to get the wind of this they would probably feel belittled and that is something that no one should ever feel.

  3. The Additions:The decision of getting a little bundle of joy into the world is something that will always be a joyful news to be shared with loved ones. However do keep it in the wraps until something really materializes, too much interference would only add to your partner’s ire and that is something that is not warranted. Once it does happen you can share the news with your friends have their good wishes too.

  4. Bedroom Secrets:Be it what happens under the sheets or the fights that you two have, these are things that happen in the privacy of your bedroom and that should be kept so. As much as the need to be able to share problems does arise, it is better off we steer clear of a few of the cardinal no-no’s and maybe seeing a counselor is the best alternative for problems that seem to be too much for us to handle.