Few Lines From a Girl's Diary: - ♥

Rahul Rathish
By -

Few Lines From a Girl's Diary: - ♥

Few Lines From a Girl's Diary: - ♥

I was known as Daddy's little girl,

But Daddy's little girl grew up. 


I was known as young and innocent,

Ms. Innocent got in more and more trouble. 

I was obsessed with bright colors especially pink,

Now all I wear is dark colors, especially black. 

I cried whenever I fell off a Cycle and scrapped my knee,

Now I cry whenever a guy breaks my heart. 

I was never afraid of saying goodbye bcoz

I was always gonna see them the next day at recess,

Now I'm afraid of saying that word and letting go,

My dream was to grow up...

Now I don't want to grow up anymore :|