A M0THER waits desperately 4 her S0N 2 arrive 4rm sch00l

Rahul Rathish
By -

A M0THER waits desperately 4 her

A Must Read!!!"

A M0THER waits desperately 4 her

S0N 2 arrive 4rm sch00l


wants 2 c00k 4 him, wants 2 chat with him and ask h0w was

everything at sch00l

When he arrives M0THER runs 2

0pen the d00r and puts a

quest0in, "H0w was ur

day at sch00l, my S0N" In

resp0nse 2 that she gets a reply,

"0h M0M, i have just came h0me"

understanding by the resp0nse

she will smiles and g0es 2 the

kitchen 2 prepare s0me tea and


Within that excitement, she

remembers the day when her S0N

was a.........child and happy tears

r0ll on her cheek

Few tears dr0p 0n the

refreshments making it salty 4 her


After preparing the

refreshments, she calls her

bel0ved S0N's name and gets n0


She kn0cks 0n the d00r and

gets a reply, "When i am free, i will

c0me d0wn and M0M please d0n't

disturb me i am 0ver the ph0ne

with my friends"

She still d0esn't get upset but

leaves with a smile 0n her face

Finally, the m0ment arrives when

her S0N c0mes d0wn 2 have

s0me refreshment nd after


it puts it back saying,

"M0M 4 G0D sake can't u prepare

the f00d pr0perly what the hell

were u thinking"

M0M gets c0ncerned and ask

what's wr0ng my Dear 0ne, "It's

salty M0M" replies S0N

M0M gets upset and sad and

starts 2 cry and instead 0f staying

with her S0N

Her child walks 0ut

2 spend s0me time with friends,

saying 2 his M0M, "This is your all

time sh0w CRYING, Crying and


M0M cries even m0re but

instead 0f cursing her child ends

up praying 2 G0D saying, "0h G0D

please 4give him, He is n0t like

this b4, it pr0bably the stress 0f


0h G0D make my S0N's life

easier and stress free, 0h G0D give

him everything g00d and keep

him away 4rm EVIL



"M0THERS have unc0nditi0nal l0ve

4 their Children

and will always wish the best 4

them n0 matter h0w the Children


S0 L0VE your M0THER and TREAT

her well as l0ng as she is ALIVE, s0

that u d0n't regret later, when

they pass away"

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